We got our final ultrasound on Friday. The technician said it was rather difficult to get accurate measurements of the baby's head since it's down so low right at the pelvic bone. But, her best estimate (after taking all of baby's measurements) was that the baby currently weighs 7 pounds 14 ounces (give or take 1 pound). The fetal heart rate was 138 bpm. The doctor said Kim is 1 cm dilated. Kim, who likes to plan ahead, asked the doctor, "Do you think the baby will come early, on time, or late?" To which the doctor replied, "Yes! The baby will come early, on time, or late." So much for planning!
Kim plans to stop teaching after Tuesday of this week. Many in the family tend to think that the baby will come during this 38th week. Kim's dad (since the beginning of the pregnancy) has guessed April 27th. Kim thinks April 28th. Matt thinks April 29th. Matt's dad is guessing Friday, May 1st. What's YOUR guess?