Sunday, May 24, 2009

Time with Grandpa & Grandma Schleicher

Ian loves the quilt that Grandma Schleicher made for him. You definitely can't tell that this is the first quilt Grandma has ever made ... it's beautiful!
Grandma and Grandpa Schleicher hit the ground running with helping us out. In addition to making meals, grocery shopping, yard work, and laundry, they love holding Ian. Here, Grandma Schleicher is perfecting the techinque of burping our little "limp noodle." :)

Grandpa gets in some exercise with Ian along for the ride.

An after church pose ...

Two Weeks Old

Hi! It's Ian here. I'm now officially two weeks old. At my two week appointment, the doctor said I now weigh 9 lb. 7 oz. and am 22 inches long. Mommy and Daddy seemed really happy and proud that I've gained a whole pound and grown a whole inch.
We made it through our second church service! Daddy held me most of the time, and I did a good job of staying quiet!

Some of Ian's firsts

Daddy gives Ian his first science lecture (note the periodic table t-shirt Daddy's wearing). Let's just say Ian might not go into science, seeing as this first lecture put him to sleep.
Ian's first smile captured on camera. (Not that he knew what he was doing ... but if he did, he'd be laughing because it's 3 PM and Mommy hasn't taken a shower yet!) Good camera work, Grandma Schleicher!

Ian loved his first stroller ride! He was fast asleep by the end!

Walquist generations

Grandpa and Grandma Walquist finished out their time in Houston by suggesting that we take "generation pictures." Can you see any resemblance between Ian and Grandpa or Grandma Walquist?

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Time with Grandpa & Grandma Walquist

It has been a true blessing to have Kim's parents with us during this time. They've helped in countless ways ... making meals, shopping, running errands, helping with household chores, giving baby advice, caring for Ian. We're looking forward to having Grandpa and Grandma Schleicher with us very soon. Here, Grandma Walquist poses with Ian.
What better way to take a nap than on Grandpa Walquist's tummy? :)

A Few of Ian's Favorite Things

Ian loves his mommy and daddy, his other family members, being swaddled, and eating. He also loves his pacifier! Sometimes, he even holds onto it with his hand to keep it in his mouth.

Ian also loves going to church. Here's the cute outfit (thanks, Joel & Judy) that he wore to his first church service today. He slept nearly the entire service and was the center of attention afterwards. :)

Ian also loves the swing (thanks, Paul and Kristy). He likes it best going side-to-side and usually stays very alert, looking around (though you couldn't tell that from this picture).

Ian LOVES to stretch! After being awakened or being fed, he does a full-body stretch, arching his back and neck and throwing his arms behind his head. Uncle Andrew Walquist (the stretching master) would be proud!
Ian also loves SLEEP! Even though he does not always sleep with his mouth open, Ian has mastered the art of counting sheep. His most alert time is first thing in the morning. Otherwise, he sleeps at least one or two hours (and sometimes THREE!) between most feedings.

Monday, May 11, 2009

An Army of Bathtime Workers

Sometimes it takes three people to give a newborn a bath. Based on his reactions to the two baths he has had, Ian would probably be content to never take a bath again. Oh well!!

Cutest Picture Ever??

One vote from Matt for this one! Anyone else out there who agrees with Matt? Let us know.

Gotta Love the Pillow

Even though Ian has not slept in his crib yet (he has been sleeping in a Pack' n 'Play in our bedroom), he did have the opportunity to spend a few minutes exploring the lamb pillow that will greet him when he starts sleeping upstairs.

Mother's Day Celebration

Kim had not been able to celebrate Mother's Day with her mom for many years. This year was especially meaningful for Kim because of Ian's arrival a few days earlier.

Is That a Burrito? is just Ian peacefully sleeping in a "Swaddle Me." Kim and I have learned quickly that Ian sleeps much better if his arms are trapped at his sides and he is nice and warm.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Sporting Special New Outfits

Ian has wonderful grandparents!! Not only did Grandpa and Grandma Walquist give Ian his going-home-from-the-hospital outfit, but Grandpa and Grandma Schleicher gave him this cute sleeper with ducks in the feet. Ian wore this sleeper for his first night at home.

If You Just Happen To Drive By...

Grandma and Grandpa Walquist posted a nice sign on our garage door before coming to the hospital today.

Here is the sign near our front tree. God is so good--Kim and I prayed for a child for so long before God answered our prayer with a truly amazing son.

Hello Monkey

Grandma and Grandpa Walquist gave Ian a guided tour of his room. After Mr. Monkey said hello, it was game time: who was longer, Ian or the monkey? Kim (the judge) ruled that it was too close to make a definitive decision.

Getting Used To Life At Home

In the hospital, Matt and Kim kept track of feedings, wet diapers, and dirty diapers on the whiteboard in their room. When they got home today, they had to decide how to keep track of this very important newborn information. Let's just say that the whiteboard has morphed into a spiral notebook.

Heading Home

Kim and Ian were released from the hospital today at around 1 pm. The short wheelchair ride to the car was enjoyable, but Grandpa Walquist got stuck carrying the large box of "goodies" that the hospital gave to Ian.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Ian's Baptism

Grandpa Walquist baptized Ian about four hours after his birth. It is so humbling to know that God has called each of us by name, and now He has made Ian his own as well. We are planning to have a baptismal remembrance "ceremony" during the May 31st early service at Trinity, Klein (8 am service). We feel blessed that Grandma and Grandpa Walquist can be with us right now and Grandma and Grandpa Schleicher (along with all of Ian's aunts and uncles) plan to celebrate with us on the 31st.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Ian Matthew Schleicher

God is so good! Ian Matthew was born at 5:25 pm today (5-7-09). He weighed 8 pounds, 7 ounces and was 21 inches long. As you can see, he has a full head of brown hair and loves stretching his long legs. He even was sporting a duck-covered temperature sensor while he warmed up after the bath. The name "Ian" means Gift of God--how very true!
The happy family after Ian had his first bath. Kim had an epidural and did really well during the entire time of labor and delivery.
Watch out...Ian is already flexing his muscles and is excited to meet each of you.
The proud papa. Thank you for continuing to keep Ian, Kim, and me in your prayers.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Baby's a comin'

At today's ultrasound, our little one weighed in at a whopping 8 lb. 13 oz. Because of this, the doctor thought it wise to induce labor so that Kim would be more likely to deliver the baby naturally. When Monday was all booked at the hospital, TOMORROW became the next option. So, it appears like our baby's birthday will be 5/7/09. Our scheduled induction time is 6:00 AM. We're feeling excited and nervous all at the same time. Please pray for a healthy baby and safe delivery! We'll be hopefully posting pictures of our baby tomorrow! :)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Baby is still keeping us guessing!

Well, it appears like all of you who are guessing that baby's arrival will be on or around the due date are exactly right. Baby still seems comfortable enough inside. ;) Kim has appreciated the time off work to put her feet up and get some small projects done around the house.

Kim's cousin Marcie, Marcie's husband Ben, and their adorable daughter Amelia came to visit. They're from Chicago and spent about a week touring the Houston/Galveston/Brenham areas. We were happy to meet up with them for dinner on Thursday night!