Ian searches for puddles and mud and certainly doesn't mind getting wet!
He loves his new tricycle from Melissa. He likes riding it, but his favorite parts are ringing the bell and pushing it himself. (See video below.)
Ian's idea of a wonderful afternoon is standing in the sprinklers or swimming in his baby pool. Notice the fake Crocs he's wearing on his feet. They were a fantastic $0.25 garage sale purchase. Almost daily, when Momma asks what shoes Ian would like to wear, he'll point to these or just say "Crocs."
Just relaxing!
Ian was excited to help Momma and Daddy wash the car a few weekends ago.
He copies many of our actions, so we didn't need to tell him what to do.
"Anything that involves water is NOT work," thinks Ian.
And, of course, spraying off the car at the end was the BEST part. (Well, the best part might have been getting HIMSELF all wet!)
Ian has been drooling, drooling, drooling! He seems to be cutting about six teeth at one time (his last three canines and his last three molars). OUCH! Baby Motrin has been a lifesaver some days!
A few months ago, Ian would never have requested to put sunglasses or hats on! Apparently, he has suddenly had a change of heart and will often point to his sunglasses or hat and say, "On, on!"
Ian now LOVES sleeping with a blanket. He'll often ask to be covered up while we're reading stories, singing, and praying before bed. Ian now takes just one early-afternoon nap (usually about 1.5-2 hours long right after lunch) and sleeps well at night. (Night-owl Momma is trying hard to get used to hearing her sweet boy chattering away happily in his crib starting around 6:00 each morning. The last two mornings have been 6:30, though! Yay!!)
Ian loves to bring us "boops" and place them in our hand ... so he can climb up into our laps to be read to! Momma and Daddy LOVE the time reading with Ian. One of Ian's current favorite books is the "Ouckie" book (the story of the Good Samaritan). Ian is fascinated by the scrapes on the hurt man's knees and arms and then the band-aids the Good Samaritan puts on top of them!
Ian enjoys pointing out objects he knows in books. One of his other favorite books is this alphabet book full of pictures. The video below was right before bed, so Ian's a little feisty, but you'll get the idea ...
Ian would prefer to always be a part of the action, especially when grilling or cooking is the action.
Mealtime is always a hit! Ian takes after his friend Caleb B. and likes dipping his food in ketchup. Not only did the hamburger and French fries go in the ketchup but also the pickles, the bun, the peas, and the cantaloupe! Whenever Ian is finished eating, he'll ask for the "Bible" (a book of Bible story fingerplays for little ones) and songs. Momma and Daddy had wanted to make devotions a routine after dinner ... but now, devotions come after breakfast, lunch, and snacks, thanks to Ian! No wonder Jesus tells us to have the faith of a child!
Ian enjoys playing under (and running THROUGH) "tents" made of sheets.
And, Ian is TRYING to start running! :) He is now 15 months old. At his 15 month appointment, Ian weighed in at 25 lb. 10 oz. (only about 1/2 lb. more than his 12 month appointment) -- 50th-75th percentile. He's definitely active! He's 33 inches tall (95th percentile). Our baby has truly become a little boy!