Monday, December 19, 2011

Our ultrasound!

 a side profile of the baby (face on right) with his/her hand in the air
another side profile picture, this time hand up by baby's face

We were excited today to have the chance to see our little one 
again!  The ultrasound tech said that we have "a mover" since 
the little one kept changing positions and moving his/her 
hands and feet. 
Kim still can't feel the baby moving much but has felt a few 
"flutters" here and there.
The baby (who weighs 10 oz.) is measuring 19 weeks, 3 days, 
which just means that he or she is a few days bigger than 
what would be expected. 
The doctor is still saying the baby's due date is around 
May 14 or 15.
The baby's heartbeat was 136, and the tech was able to 
capture some really cute ultrasound "pictures," especially 
some profile shots. She had to move really fast to capture 
the pictures when the baby was in the right position.
As many of you know, this 19/20 week ultrasound is known 
as the anatomy check, and we were grateful to hear that 
all of baby's body parts were present and looked normal. 
The tech WAS able to find out the baby's gender but she 
didn't tell us or write it in our chart since that's what 
we requested. :) 
Thank you for your continued prayers for this little one's 
healthy growth and development. 
Please praise our God along with us for His handiwork!

1 comment:

Dave and Elizabeth said...

Awww...your little mango is so cute! :) You got better pictures than we did of our own little mover! Glad to hear everything is going along well. I predict we will both have families with two boys. :)