Friday, September 12, 2014

Getting Ready for Baby! :)

Tomorrow we hit the 30-week mark! Our baby (who we're officially calling Nathan Paul :)) is growing like crazy! It's fun to watch him move and kick as he contorts my tummy into all kinds of interesting shapes. :) We can't wait to meet him in just a few weeks!

My belly is definitely bigger than this pic taken almost three weeks ago. Many maternity shirts are now too short to cover my whole belly. Overall, I'm still feeling pretty good, though I've definitely re-entered a tired stage in the pregnancy. I've talked with the doctor about feeling lots more pressure and discomfort in this pregnancy over the past few weeks. He's reassured me that this is very normal for a third pregnancy since all of my muscles are stretched out. The great news is that he also said this pressure/discomfort should ease up as little Nathan gets even bigger and has to rest a little higher in my belly. For now, though, I'm trying to convince my active 2-year-old to play more games that require sitting down. :)

Since we're having another boy, we don't need to do much shopping to get ready for this new little one. We'll mainly just get out the bins of clothes, toys, and other assorted baby stuff out of our attic and wash it all! Hopefully, we'll accomplish that task in the next month or so! The two main itmes on our shopping list were car seats and bunk beds. Our current car seats will not fit three-across in our Honda Accord. After doing some researching and talking with friends, we've officially ordered some car seats that WILL fit three-across in our Honda Accord (yay!). They're due to arrive this week!

And we found a really neat set of bunk beds on Craiglist. We love that they have a ladder option AND a stairs option (along the right-hand side of the bed). They're sturdy, in good condition, and offer lots of storage, too! We got the beds about three weeks ago and just recently finished doing a little room re-decorating (including hanging Ryan's name on the wall, too).

The beds came with a matching chest of drawers ... which actually sort of coordinates with our existing dresser! Yay! :)
Ian has been sleeping in his bunk bed (almost always on the top bunk) ever since we got them set up. He loves the new bed and has transitioned very easily.

Ryan, on the other hand, hasn't adjusted as well to the bunk bed. I think he's slept there three nights. Each of the nights, he's fallen asleep relatively quickly -- with only one or two trips out of the room to ask us for a drink, a toy, to go to the bathroom, etc. -- and always sleeping "backwards" on the bed (often where the body pillows can no longer function as bed rails :)). But each of the three nights he's had a major issue in the middle of the night with waking up and then having a hard time going back to sleep. One night at about 1:30 a.m., he managed to make his way all the way down the stairs, get himself a cup of milk from the fridge, and come to our bedroom to ask us for "more milk, please."

After those few nights, we started asking him if he'd rather sleep back in his crib instead -- which he most certainly did! We've had much more continuous nights of sleep again, even though our early riser still gets up between 5 and 5:30 a.m. Since baby Nathan will likely sleep in our room for the first six months or so, we'll attempt to switch Ryan back into his lower bunk in another few months ... :)


amylynn said...

Lots of changes in your household! I love the new bunk beds! I'm sure Ryan will do just fine transitioning later. Who knows? Maybe he'll really latch on to the big brother/ big bed idea once little Nathan arrives. And you're still lookin' great, sistah!

Marcie said...

You do look great, Kim! And in addition to muscles stretching out and all that, you're also more tired and achy because you're running after two active little kids. Good luck trying to get Ryan to play sitting down games! I found a list of good laying down games, on Pinterest I think, and I had some luck convincing Megan to play them on days I was really tired. She especially liked the one where I gave her a dry paint brush and told her to paint imaginary pictures on me. But it sounds liked Ryan is pretty active, so he might not go for those kinds of games.

Good luck with the bunk beds, too. I'm sure a few extra months will help Ryan with the transition. When we moved Megan from the crib to the bunk bed, she was older than Ryan, which helped, but I also let her pick out her own new set of sheets, and Ben's mom made her a fancy new pillow case. We had, and still do have, lots of issues with her getting up at bedtime for a drink, a stuffed animal, a bathroom break, another hug, a hangnail, pretty much any excuse you can imagine, but the middle of the night wakings have mostly gone away.

And I love the name Nathan! It's a great one! :)

Dave and Elizabeth said...

Love the bunk beds and would love to find something like that for our boys!