Sunday, February 22, 2015

Nathan is 2 months old!

On December 16, Nathan turned two months old! He continues to charm us with his easygoing, pleasant personality! We love him to pieces!

At about six weeks old, Nathan started to smile. He has also started making cooing noises like "ooo," especially in response to someone talking to him. Nathan is now able to focus his gaze for longer periods of time and seems especially interested in faces and the bear mobile hanging on his changing table.

Nathan has seemed to develop a rhythm to his day. He is much more sleepy in the morning and early afternoon and is mainly wakeful from after dinner until his bedtime (usually not until 11:00 or so). Generally, he doesn't stay awake for more than about an hour at a time. At about the one-hour-awake mark, he'll start to get fussy and like to be wrapped up in a blanket, given a pacifier, and held or rocked until he falls asleep. Nathan still wakes up 2-4 times each night to nurse.

This month, poor Nathan had two separate colds. We were very grateful for the Nose Frida SnotSucker that Andrew & Sarah gave us. That thing is awesome!

Nathan is content most of his wakeful hours. He'll be happy in his bouncer, just observing, for short stretches of time. He's gotten better about being in his carseat and will often just fall asleep instead of crying the whole time we're driving somewhere. Nathan seems to enjoy (or at least not be bothered by) all of the attention and love that his older brothers show him. He will tolerate tummy time for short stretches of time, yet he'll often just lay flat, with his head on the ground.

One morning, Ryan decided to read a book to baby Nathan! So sweet!

Some of Nathan's favorites include the swing, the bouncer, being held, the Baby Bjorn, bath time, and nursing every 2.5-3 hours during the day. Nathan also LOVES stretching!

Everyone comments on Nathan's beautiful hair and his easygoing personality. Friends say how much Nathan looks like Ian as a baby.

We love our littlest man so much!


amylynn said...

I DO see a resemblance to Ian in lots of Nathan's baby pics. It'll be fun to see how much Nathan continues to look like his biggest brother as he grows. My favorite photos are the ones of all 3 of your boys doing tummy time together. So funny! And I love Nathan's orange brother outfit, too! :)

Kyle and Ali said...

What a handsome guy! I especially love that last picture! I agree, still think he looks most like Ian! :)