Saturday, April 25, 2015

Nathan is 5 months old!

We can't believe that our little guy is already FIVE months old! Almost daily, friends or fellow parents from Ian's school comment on just how big (and how chunky :)) sweet Nathan is getting! He now weighs almost 18 pounds.

Nathan is getting more fun and more interactive by the day! He smiles and laughs often. His big brothers can elicit the heartiest giggles, especially when they play peek-a-boo with Nathan. He squeals and coos when others are talking to him and flaps his arms and legs when he's excited.

Nathan is getting more control over his body. He can easily roll over onto his tummy when we place him on his back (though he hasn't yet gotten the stomach-to-back roll). He can grab objects and bring them to his mouth. (He puts EVERYthing into his mouth and bites down hard. Based on how much he's drooling, it seems like his first tooth should come in awfully soon!) His neck is getting more stable while he sits in the Bumbo seat. Nathan is getting very strong, especially when he's trying to fight falling asleep or being in our arms a certain way.

in the Bumbo seat

Nathan is VERY aware of what's going on around him. He cranes his neck to watch people and activities around him. He'll cry when he's laying on the floor and he notices Momma leave the room for a few minutes. He wants to be held facing out so he can watch what's happening.

Toward the end of the month, our "little chaperone" started going to sleep a little earlier than his typical 10:30 or 11:00 bedtime! Daddy and Momma were happy to get a little couple time in the evenings again. Nathan still wakes up to nurse a few times a night but goes right back to sleep. He takes three or four short (30-45 minute naps) and is usually very pleasant while he's awake. Being in the carseat seems to be a "sleep cue" for Nathan. One or two of his naps each day usually happen in the car. He still nurses every 2.5-3 hours during the day.

Some of Nathan's favorites include: plastic links, crinkly books, rattles, water bottles, and his toes. He likes the activity gym, being held, and watching his brothers. He doesn't like the bouncer quite as much as last month, as he'll often try to roll out of it or arch his back when we put him in it. Nathan loves seeing himself in the mirror and gives himself HUGE smiles. He loves bath time and splashing and doesn't mind when his head gets all wet. He also liked trying the outdoor swing for the first time this month (with a towel helping to keep him propped up).

You're getting more adorable, more fun, and more wonderful each day, baby Nathan! We can hardly remember life without you, and we love you so much!

1 comment:

amylynn said...

Hooray for an earlier bedtime for this little guy! How nice! I love the Bumbo seat pic of Nathan. He looks quite grown up in his little polo. :)