Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Basket Battle

Ian and the magazine basket clashed the other night. Here are the round-by-round highlights. Round One (above): Ian grabbed the basket as it was trying to escape.
Round Two: Ian gazes at the basket and wonders how it could possibly be ranked second in the world in the CBWL (Child Basket Wrestling League).
Round Three: Ian quickly realizes why this basket ranks so high in the league. The basket swiftly and effectively put Ian into a "handle hold" and worked hard to keep the little Schleicher immobilized.
Round Four: Ian's only escape move was to throw himself (and the basket) toward the couch. Ian gained the advantage in this round because he was able to use his eyes again and could look at more than just the floor.
Final Round: Ian was declared the winner after he performed his famous "foot-in-the-basket" move. You guessed it: Ian maintained his first place ranking in the CBWL with the victory.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Interesting that he finds the basket more interesting than the magazines. Mine would be going for the magazines and ripping them to shreds!