Sunday, December 15, 2013

Staying at Home with the Montana Schleichers :)

Of course, much of our time with our dear siblings and nephews was spent just playing at home.

It was especially fun to see the littlest ones interacting with each other. Cody was awfully patient while Ryan touched his mouth and/or tried to steal his pacifier. :)

While Matt was at work, Jason often volunteered to play with the boys while Kim and Amy fixed meals. The boys had a great time playing with their dad/uncle -- and Jason made it look surprisingly easy. :)

 Since the weather was beautiful much of the time we were together, we spent a bunch of time outside.  Cody liked to push Ian around in the Cozy Coupe (not the arrangement I would've expected :)).
Uncle/Nephew time ...
 We gave Amy and Jason a 10-minute "date" to play washers while we watched the four boys. We can't promise there weren't any tears ... but we all had fun!
 Kim got to swing with Cody a little bit! (And I have no idea why I got so many more individual pics of Cody than Jaden! Sorry, sweet Godson Jaden!)
 All four boys fit surprisingly well in the sandbox and at least mostly shared toys pretty well.
 Mealtimes were probably the craziest parts of our time together. Ian like to be the entertainer while we got the last part of the food on the table (and the littlest boys got an appetizer).
 Sometimes, all four of the boys provided entertainment while we adults worked together on the meals.

And you might imagine that every single room of the house looked like this or worse by the end of the day. You'd be right! That just means we were having a GREAT time, right?!? :)
 The boys really enjoyed their bath time together.
 We even used bath tablets to make the water pink ...
 ... and then tried to style everyone's hair in a funny way.
 It was so cute to watch Cody "sit on Ian's lap" for quite some time. Ian seemed to like having three little ones that looked up to him. :)
 Matt got some sweet cuddling time with Jaden and Ryan ...
 ... while Cody hid out in his favorite room of our house -- the laundry room (usually with the door shut).
 I think that Ian and Ryan might have won this race against Aunt Amy. The pink Mustang has some get-up-and-go! :)
 Cody seemed to really enjoy his turn riding with Ian and smiled most of the time (even though it doesn't look like it here).
 More cautious Jaden, on the other hand, clutched onto the windshield the majority of the time.
 Cuddles with Aunt Amy!
 After-breakfast devotion time (Cody AGAIN ... and Ian!)

Head-nuzzle with Jaden! :)

Whether at home or out on the town, we loved every minute of our time with you, Montana Schleichers! Thanks for coming to visit us ... please come back again soon! :)

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