Friday, August 28, 2015

Ryan's race car party

We had a lot of fun celebrating sweet Ryan's three-year-old birthday with a race car party. The decorations were a lot of fun ...
a stop light to welcome all of our drivers,

a "pit stop" sign to label the bathroom,


black and red balloons to line the "race track,"

and even a lovingly designed race car sign made by big brother, Ian.

With everyone's help, we got all of the decorating and last-minute preparations done with minutes to spare! :)

When Ryan's friends started arriving, they signed the "Cool Cars" book that would be Ryan's souvenir from his party.

Cousin Isaiah helped greet our guests, including his birthday buddy, Oliver.

We kept the first part of our party outside (though unfortunately it was a pretty muggy morning!). We told our guests to run up the race track to our garage and backyard full of various play-time options ...

the car "city,"

a car racing station,

our big parking garage,
our Shake-and-Go car track,
a throw-the-beanbag-into-the-spare tire game,

and a reading center complete with many race car books.

Most of these options were played with for a short time, but the kiddos were really most excited about swinging and playing on our playset.

Meanwhile, while the youngest kiddos played, we had Ian and his buddy, Caleb, hide all of the road signs for one of our upcoming activities.

After about thirty minutes of playtime, we moved into some of our group games. The first one was the old classic "Red Light, Green Light."

All of the kiddos really liked this one,

and we played multiple rounds,
even having the kids do various moves like taking giant steps,
jumping, etc.

The Birthday Boy wanted to take a turn being the stop light, too. :)

Then we moved into the fun variation of "Are You Sleeping, Mr. Bear?" called "What Time is it, Pace Car?" Everyone had to sneak up on the "pace car," while asking that question. Eventually, the "pace car" turned around and said, "It's race time!" and tried to tag as many people as possible before they made it back to the safety of the garage.

We played this game a few times, too, always changing which kiddo or adult was the "pace car."
Then, we moved into our final activity. All of the little ones had to find eight different road signs that were hidden throughout the yard.
Mommies and daddies did a good job of helping to make sure each child found all eight different signs pictured on the posterboard.
Yay! After they did it,

everyone came inside to the dining room where they helped to finish "My Book of Traffic Signs."
They used glue sticks to attach the appropriate road sign they had found to the corresponding page in the book.
The kiddos seemed proud of their work.
While the chefs in the kitchen finished the lunch preparations, I read the kiddos some race car books, including "Mitchell's License."

Grammy and the rest of the kitchen crew did a great job putting the finishing touches on the lunch.

We ate ham and cheese sandwiches on Hawaiian rolls with various condiments, veggies, fruit, and chips.

After everyone ate, we got out the race track cake ...

..and sang "Happy Birthday" to Ryan.

He wasn't all that interested in blowing out his candle (he despises the smoke smell),
but some of his friends were happy to help him.

Ryan opened up his friends' gifts

...and then it was already time to thank everyone for coming. Ryan was excited to hand the favor (a 5-pack of Hot Wheels cars and a mini Kit-Kat bar) out to each person.

It was a great party. Thank you, family, for all of your help! We were happy to celebrate you, our thoughtful, handsome, caring, funny Ryan! We love you! :)


1 comment:

amylynn said...

Our boys loved your fun activities at this party! Your ideas were just right for 3-year-olds. :) I didn't realize until I read your blog how you got all the traffic signs hidden that day. What a perfect way to involve Ian and Caleb.