Thursday, February 11, 2016

Summer Hangouts

 We spent lots of time with family this summer, just hanging out. While I was getting my haircut (and I think Ian may already have been in school??), Aunt Amy watched Nathan and Ryan (and her two boys). She had some fun apple activities planned -- a volcano-type experiment, making apple seeds dance, finding the hidden apples, and eating a picnic snack! What a creative, fun sister I have. My boys never mind when I have to go somewhere without them. :)

 We continued our Sunday family dinners during the summer, which included lots of play time before and after eating. Our boys love "baby Isaiah."

Amy & Jason watched our boys one night so we could go out to dinner, and we were happy to return the favor. Matt and I took all of the boys on a walk. (And, no, he didn't make me push both strollers. :)) Sometimes being a stroller collector comes in handy ... Of course, we had to stop to try to see Calvert, a friendly neighborhood cat.

 One summer day, Chelsea, Amy, and I took our boys to a splashpad up in The Woodlands. This was the first time we had tried this particular splashpad. We liked it but not quite as much as Timarron. But spending a hot, sticky morning splashing in cool water is ALWAYS a treat! So is spending time with sisters and cousins!

And one last random picture ... Ryan and Nathan helping Momma shop from their "car cart." :)

1 comment:

amylynn said...

Seeing these splash pad pics makes me at least a little bit excited to think about summer coming again! :)